Every Pig

Every Pig

Global Puerto Rico United States

About Every Pig

In service of this mission, we’re looking to do all that we can to help modernize the swine production industry through the implementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Our hope is that, if we can help the industry get ahead of potential health risks, we can improve the food supply for millions of people worldwide—all that and lighten the workloads of pig producers and veterinarians alike.

As data collection within the pig production industry makes the world feel a little smaller, we hope that EveryPig can be an engine used to foster collaboration and communication across an industry with a global footprint (or hoofprint). In short, when we all work together, we build a happier, healthier industry—we want EveryPig to be a part of that progress.

Release A Revolutionary Pig Health Platform

Build a robust platform that prioritizes pig health and mitigates the spread of disease in the pig population

Released 2016

VetBot Veterinary Assistant

Release a virtual veterinary assistant: the VetBot. The VetBot supplements veterinary staff by continually monitoring farms and asking follow-up questions when necessary.

Debuted in 2019

Machine Learning

Full implementation of machine learning into the EveryPig platform.

Debuted in 2019

Contact Details

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