
Swine Vet Center P.A.
1608 South Minnesota Ave. P.O. Box 269 Minnesota United States
About Swine Vet Center P.A.

Today swine medicine involves much more than farm visits, diagnostics, vaccines and responsible use of antibiotics.
You need to be on top of the latest research, management trends and consumer perceptions. You need to understand biosecurity, pig flow, transportation, building design, ventilation, economics, compliance measures and more. You need a team of swine veterinarians that responds quickly and offers creative, practical, science-based solutions tailored to suit the needs of each farm.
That’s where Swine Vet Center enters the picture.
Together with our dedicated support staff, our team of highly skilled swine veterinarians — 17 at last count — offers more than 180 years of practical experience and scientific know-how.
At Swine Vet Center, we’re committed to putting our clients first and “doing what’s right for the pig,” which will help our clients be more efficient and profitable.
We’re also at the forefront of swine research, conducting trials on our four wean-to-finish sites with more than 10,000 head to evaluate new health, nutrition and genetics programs. Our veterinarians also attend scientific conferences throughout the year to share their experiences and learn from their industry peers.
Swine Vet Center has come a long way since 1990 — when three veterinarians hung out a shingle in St. Peter, Minnesota, to service the flourishing pork industry in the Midwest. Our clients have changed, too. Today they’re spread over many states, ranging from major pork-production companies with 25,000 to 150,000+ sows to traditional family farms with 500 to 2,400 sows.
What hasn’t changed at Swine Vet Center is the goal we share with our customers: To produce safe, nutritious, delicious and sustainable pork while maintaining the highest standards for herd health and animal welfare.
Contact us today to learn more.
Contact Details
- 1608 South Minnesota Ave. P.O. Box 269 St. Peter Minnesota United States
- [email protected]