Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo

Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo

Oct 15, 2025 09:00:00 TO Oct 16, 2025 19:00:00
Brabanthallen Den Bosch Diezekade 2 5222 AK ‘s-Hertogenbosch North Holland Netherlands

About The Event

Book your stand

The event where you, as an exhibitor, meet all professionals within the pig and poultry sectors.

For exhibitors

Check out all the information about preparing for your stand participation

For visitors

The place where you can find everything about pig farming and poultry farming in one location.

Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo

The Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo is the event for both the pig farming and poultry farming sectors. It offers a wide range of products, services, knowledge-sharing, and inspires the entire pig and poultry farmer.

As an exhibitor, you can showcase your products and services to both the pig and poultry sectors. Additionally, it provides an excellent opportunity to network and collaborate with other exhibitors and visitors to prepare the sectors for the future. As a visitor, you will have the chance to connect with various experts, knowledge partners, and colleagues from the industry.

Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo is the professional fair with a diverse array of exhibitors and a rich program, ensuring that you are well-prepared for the future!

Main themes of the Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo

The future of pig farming and poultry farming

How do you ensure that your company is ready for the future? Technology and innovation play an essential role in this. Discover more at Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo

Animal health

Explore the latest trends in animal health at Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo, where various aspects such as nutrition, avian influenza, swine fever, pharmaceuticals, and climate will be addressed

Smart Animal Farming

Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo focuses on Smart Animal Farming by highlighting new technological developments in emission reduction, feed cultivation, and smart stable applications. These innovations take center stage during the exhibition.

Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo
  • Dutch Pork & Poultry Expo
Event Location